Rapid screening.
Where needed.
When needed.
GeneSys Bio’s mission is to make available everywhere the latest technology for rapid, sensitive and specific monitoring of major pathogens.
Using innovative genetic technology, the technology platform behind the GeneSys Bio project, represents evolution in molecular diagnostics at the service of the clinician and the patient.
Why use GeneSys?
Results in less than an hour
With the patented GeneSys technology, it enables a sensitive and specific result to be obtained quickly.
Maximum accuracy
GeneSys technology ensures sensitivity and specificity > 99%
Easy to use
The GeneSys platform does not require specialized technical personnel or equipped laboratories.
The GeneSys platform is fully portable, can be used next to the patient’s bedside, on mobile clinics, and wherever the need arises
GeneSys for Urinary Tract Infections.
The first field of application of the GeneSys platform is monitoring and rapid screening of the urinary tract.
Urinary tract infections are common among the elderly and frail, who are often hospitalized or living in long-term care facilities.
Failure to diagnose and treat these infections in a timely manner can lead to serious and costly complications such as sepsis, renal failure, or patient death.
IVU: impact statistics and available tools
In this paper, we have gathered data collected from the most recent studies on the impact of Urinary Tract Infections on health care systems and the diagnostic tools available to professionals.
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Benefits of using GeneSys:
Optimization of operating costs
The direct costs of urinary tract infections can be as high as 7,000 per hospitalization.
Service optimization
By reducing the risk of complications, which typically involve 46 percent of patients with urinary tract infections, staff nursing time is optimized.
Waste reduction
Currently, 70% of urinary tract infections require at least 10 days of antibiotic treatment.
Through early detection, treatment can be reduced with a positive impact on the patient and accounts.
Improved quality of life
Complications from urinary tract infections can lead to dialysis, cognitive impairment, and reduced patient autonomy.
With the possibility of rapid and continuous monitoring, long-term effects can be prevented, improving patients’ lives.
Those who believe in our project:
Company leader in rapid diagnostics has chosen GeneSys Bio for its capabilities to implement infection monitoring.
Cassa Depositi e Prestiti
Cassa Depositi e Prestiti is the Italian National Promotion Institute. It chose to invest in GeneSys Bio, believing it to be a valuable tool for improving healthcare through innovation
AC75 Startup Accelerator
GeneSys Bio was chosen by AC75, a Silver Economy-focused institution and the first of its kind in Europe, after careful evaluation of the team’s skills and the impact the project will have on the target population.